Driving Phobia Coaching

Entry level

You must be in possession of a valid driving license B (passenger car)

Training duration

To be determined by a professional driving phobia coach after an intake interview


One per vehicle


On request

Target group

While driving you are hindered by driving phobia.


At the end of the guidance, you can participate in traffic again without undue fear or complaints.

When is the right time to sign up for driving phobia coaching?

  • when while driving you have various complaints such as excessive sweating or heart palpitations
  • when you suffer from fear of driving on the road while practicing your profession

Complaints while driving

Do you recognize that driving a car is a highly stressful activity and does that lead to, for example, cramped muscles, sweating, heart palpitations or feelings of anxiety? Then you are not the only one. There is a large group of people who experience so much hindrance from this that they no longer want or can drive a car at all. driving phobia coaching can make an important contribution to significantly reducing the complaints and regaining self-confidence. 

Driving phobia while practicing your profession

Profession-related driving phobia often results in a reduced level of availability, or even being unable to drive at all. In private situations, dependency or avoidance behaviour occurs. Driving phobia can occur because of a fear of failure, a lack of routine, but also because of fear of a specific action or situation. People start to panic when they have to drive on the motorway or through a tunnel, or getting into a car again after having had an accident.

Professional and specialized help

When you have a driving phobia, it often doesn’t simply go away. In collaboration with the specialised companies ‘IPZO’ and ‘Rijangstcoach’ (Driving Phobia Coach), PDS offers you professional help to deal with your problems/symptoms. For the essential coaching, a professionally trained and experienced driving phobia coach will be enabled to guide you. This driving phobia coach understands the emotions that prevent you from participating in traffic. Together, and in a relaxed manner, we will work on a solution to your problems.

Course location(s)

Depending on the guidance required, the coaching will take place on the public road and/or on a private training location.

Information from a professional driving phobia coach

If you would like to have more information about driving phobia, feel free to let us know. We will bring you in contact with a professional driving phobia coach who can tell you everything you want to know and will answer all your questions

  • Professional driving instructors
  • Active since 1989
  • Own instruction vehicles
  • Teacher trainings

Please don't hesitate to contact us!

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