High-Risk Environments
Do you work abroad and is there a high or increased security risk in that country? Then extra attention to your safety is of course not a luxury. PDS Rijopleidingen has been providing driving training courses in risk areas for many years and has developed various training courses that limit the risks as much as possible. You can follow these driving training courses in the Netherlands, but also in the risk area itself. For example, PDS Rijopleidingen has already trained expats, security staff, close protection teams and local drivers in various countries in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
Different possibilities
Thanks to our extensive experience, we can always offer you a suitable customised driving course at any desired level. Some possibilities are:
- Defensive Driving – after the training you are more aware of the safety risks when traveling by car and able to apply the most important appropriate safety measures.
- Escape Training – You learn how to perform highly specialized security and escape techniques.
- Safety and Awareness training – the focus of this training is on minimizing the risk with regard to your traffic and personal safety.
- Advanced Safety and Awareness training executive driver – during this training, the techniques learned in the previous safety and awareness training are expanded and new, specialist techniques are taught.
Often a Safety and Awareness training is chosen. The focus of this training is on minimizing the risk with regard to your traffic and personal safety. Or perhaps you are looking for a Defensive Driving or Escape Training? These training courses can also be provided. If desired, we offer you a suitable cusomised driving course, adapted to the local conditions. Instruction aimed at driving (heavily) armored vehicles is also possible. Thanks to our extensive experience and expertise, we can always offer a suitable customised driving course at any desired level.
Train the trainer
We also train instructors for our contract partners outside of the Netherlands. After this training these instructors are then able to train participants themselves. In the Netherlands, PDS was the initiator of a quality control system with an independent examining and certification. This system is accredited by the government and valued throughout the branch. The obtained certificates have become the standard for being able to perform work in the field of executive chauffeur services, both for multinationals and for government services. We can also set up this quality system for our partners abroad. Naturally, PDS will initially be present in the country to provide the necessary support to the partner, but the aim is to allow the partner’s instructors to give the courses as independently as much as possible. Periodically or upon request, PDS will then provide application training courses for the instructors and support the partner.
Driving training courses given in Dutch, English or French
Instruction abroad will be given in either Dutch, English or French. The participants must therefore be able to speak and understand at least a reasonable level of Dutch, English or French to be able to successfully follow the PDS driving training courses. It is not necessary for participants to be able to read or write Dutch, English or French. For the instructors that are to be trained, it is.
Depending on the course or training that has been followed, you receive a comprehensive, personal report or a report based on a checklist from PDS. This comprehensive report contains details of the progress and the end level of your driving training course, your attitude and presentation, and your strong and weak points. The report also contains a recommendation regarding suitability for specific functions and/or the possibility of a follow-up course.